The savvy student knows some smart practices to save money whilst enjoying all that student life has to offer. Often this wisdom is hard-won in the early days of university, with the clueless fresher quickly learning to budget and save through making mistakes.
Every year there are hapless first years who spend their student loans before Christmas. There always have been, and there always will be.
So how to not be that guy/girl? As a starter for ten, follow these three tips for the money saving student:
Bargain Hunt
Rather than skipping lectures to watch Dickinson et al, make it a mission to buy everything you need as-cheap-as-chips. Lay your hands on all the freebies you can. Fresher’s fairs can be a good way to scoop up free samples and things like pens. Find the shops with student offers; the smartest student scrimpers will know precisely the best time to hit the reduced/offers aisle in the supermarket!
Free & Legal TV
If you watch or record TV as it is broadcast, you need a licence fee. If you watch Live TV online, you also need a TV Licence, but not if you only watch “catch up” services like on the BBC iPlayer or 4OD.
An easy way to save some cash for your house. And if you do buy a TV licence, you can claim back a quarter of the fee paid if you leave your house for the three months of the summer vacation.
Buy a printer
Now for some advice after a ‘speculate to accumulate’ fashion. Having said that, a decent quality printer need not be expensive and will likely be a time and money-saver over the duration of your course.
Printing at university can be expensive when paying per sheet and the hassle and cost of travelling somewhere to do it can all add up. Look for a good student offer, or better-still a second hand bargain in fresher’s week and print cheaply and conveniently in your room.
So that’s only three tips – there are many, many more…Do you have any gems of advice for saving money as a student? Please let us know below.
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September 24, 2023