With all the different people on the web telling you how to spend your money, finding some plain-talking financial advice and information can be a bit of an overwhelming task. the Money Lion to the rescue with the top five financial Twitter accounts on the Tweet-o-sphere, covering all types of specialities:
@themotleyfooluk - An old standard with sites also based in the US and Australia; investments are their main game. If you do your own trading, or even if you have money in the stock market, you need to be following this.
@PensionsGuru - Steve Bee, former Head of Pensions at Prudential and pension strategist at Royal London, dishes out pension advice. He’s established himself as a bit of a go-to guy when it comes to the ins and outs of UK pensions, so this should be your first stop when it comes to sorting yours out.
@cashquestions - Daily Express commentator and BBC Radio 3 personality Annie Shaw deals out financial advice on the daily. She’s pretty good with interacting with followers, which is a bonus.
@bitterwallet - They call themselves “the best source for consumer hacks, tips & news from the trenches of the HotUKDeals community.” To sum it up: financial and consumer rights news for the rest of us with a bit of a sarcastic edge.
@hilaryosborne - The editor of guardian.co.uk/money brings a bit of humor to her financial commentary. Another good account to follow for UK issues, including housing. Also good at interacting with followers.
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July 22, 2023