
The truth behind car insurance myths

June 1, 2023


Car insurance can be mind-boggling! There are so many terms and conditions to be aware of and you often hear rumours about what might affect your policy and what won’t.

What you can be sure of is that if you rely on myths your car insurance policy could be invalid, should the worst happen. For example, did you know that just because you are fully comp you might not be insured on everyone’s car? When it comes to car insurance, it really is important that you pay attention to the fine print and don’t go on rumours alone.

Elephant car insurance have brought the 10 most common myths to light and discussed the truth behind them. Make sure you find out the facts and read your individual car insurance policy carefully so you can drive safely in confidence.

Click the image below to see the larger version:

10 most common car insurance myths!

Image by Elephant Car Insurance

Have you heard any other car insurance myths? Let us know and we will do the best to answer them!



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