It’s a time for giving - picking out that perfect gift for someone you care about and then seeing the look of the delight in their eyes as they see something they never expected but nevertheless always wanted. It’s a demonstration of a bond and knowing the person better than they know themselves. Or if you can’t be bothered just get them a voucher.
Guess what, I’m doing okay for myself and if I want to buy something for myself. I earn this thing called money that allows me to go to a shop and buy it any time.
Now what I’ve been given is money that limits my buying options. Thanks so much. It’s like taking someone to Florida and only letting them visit NASA when all you want to see is a giant mouse and roller coasters.
Well maybe there is something that you really want and the vouchers will be greatly appreciated. Then you go to buy and it turns it costs just a little too much. Rather than getting a lovely gift you end up resenting having to spend your own money on something you only got because it was in a particular place at a particular time.
Then you’re left questioning whether you’ve bought the right thing, just because you were in the shop or if you should have waited until there was something you really wanted. Then you realise you don’t like shopping anyway so it’s best to get out of there as soon as you can, especially if it’s those horrendously busy January sales.
Think I’m thinking in an ungrateful and slightly unstable, especially since someone has been generous enough to acknowledge my pitiful existence? Maybe you’re right but have you thought of the worst case scenario?
Shopping could be dangerous. You get attacked by a bear or the sky could fall.
Lucky there are online stores for nearly all the shops now so that danger can be avoided.
From everyone at the Money Lion, have a Happy New Year and enjoy the sales.
This the Money Lion writer is currently suffering from a breakdown. How do you plan on spending your vouchers? Tell us about it below.
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