
Safety and Health Expo 2015

April 19, 2023



The Safety and Health Expo 2015 is coming up and we thought this would be a great idea to talk about the expo, why you should go and tips for keeping your business ‘health and safety’ compliant while we’re on the topic…

The Safety and Health Expo 2015

The Safety and Health Expo is happening from the 15th to the 17th of May in Birmingham and promises to bring an array of informative exhibitions and discussions with it:

“…industry members will come together at the only show with support from the key industry partners – IOSH, RoSPA and BSIF. Whether you’re a practitioner, supplier, distributor or manufacturer, Safety and Health Expo 2015 is the essential event for the health and safety industry.

It will be packed full of the industry’s leading manufacturers, distributors and suppliers showcasing their latest innovations. With more seminar content than ever before, Safety & Health Expo offers over 100 hours of educational content and demonstrations at the event, giving you the knowledge and best practice you will gain will help you all year through.” - Safety and Health Expo 2015 website

The Safety and Health Expo is a great way to get out of the office, meet leaders in the industry of health and safety as well as discovering new ways to keep your business safe.

Whether you send your HR representative or go yourself, this is a great opportunity to make sure that your business is at the forefront of opportunity and availability of the latest in health and safety levels.

Image by: Pinned by Ickemix from pinmarkalet on Pintrest


Is your business health and safety compliant?

It may be but there are always ways to ensure that you have everything covered when it comes to your office space, employees and company assets. Here are some tips for keeping your business ‘health and safety’ compliant:

  • Signs and indicators: Make sure that any areas that are off limits because of health and safety concerns such as business electricity main supplies or areas that have been wardened off as ‘slippery surfaces’ or ‘danger of tripping’ are indicated as such.
  • Risk assessment: Have your business go through a risk assessment by a licensed professional so that you can see where you could improve areas of risk before they cause problems.
  • Employees: make sure that your employees are aware of their rights when it comes to taking sick leave as this may relieve them to know that they can take time off to get better. You can also make sure that you have fully equipped everyone with business health insurance so that if something does go wrong while they are working for you, their health interests as well as your finances are fully covered.
  • Reports: make sure that you know how to process complaints of any health and safety incidents so that you have a clear paper trail of what has happened, how it could be fixed and how to ensure whoever is involved is provided with solutions or compensation for their complaint.
  • Wardens: ensure that a few of your employees are trained as first aid or fire wardens for the office so that there will always be someone to quickly respond to an incident while you await for professional help.

Image by: Pinned by HR Department from thenextweb.com on Pintrest

If you have any comments or tips on how to be safety and health compliant then please leave us one below. If you attend the Safety and Health Expo 2015 then let us know how it goes by Tweeting us or writing on our Facebook timeline!

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